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When I die
give what is left of me
away to little children
and old persons waiting to die.

And if you need to cry,
cry for your brother
walking the street
beside you.

And when you need me,
put your arms around anyone
and give to them what you
need to give to me.


I want to leave you something,
something better than words or sounds.

Look for me in the people that
I have known and loved,
and if you cannot give me away,
at least let me live
on in your eyes
and not in your mind.

You can love me most
by letting hands touch hands,
by letting bodies touch bodies,
and by letting go of children
that need to be free.


Love does not die,
People do.
So when all that is left
of me is love,

Give me away
I'll see you
at home in

Darrell Robinson

Write Darrell

Email: Darrell

  Bruce DeBour

Graphics used with permission

Danny Inspired by God

My Hideaway



This web site designed by Rose Buckmin . Updated 6/2/99 Email: